Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Did you know that you can hunt with a stoma?

There are some things in life that are very important to our countries ecosystem and to our own survival.  For thousands of years, we have hunted animals that overpopulated our lands and we eat them to survive.  This goes on today even in 2021 and it is one of the most important parts of keeping our food supply safe.  Bores are destroying texas like deer destroy crops all around our country.  If they are not kept in check out economy suffers.   That time is indeed nothing but the wonderful hunting season.  Yes, I do indeed love being outside and literally putting very healthy organically fed meat on the table for very low prices.  This is not only a wise move financially, but it also gives me the time outdoors to refresh my spirit as well.   Hunting does really incredible things for me and my family and it is all possible with having an ostomy.  It does not make sense to me why some people hold an ostomy against some people and pretend that they shouldn't be doing some things with their life and their stoma. My hunting career has skyrocketed and I have been very successful with my stoma.  Don't be afraid to try to do things that people say are impossible in your condition.

Gear is what helped me to get out and be safe in the woods.  I am able to do this because I am able to use quality products for my stoma. I don't have to worry about having problems because my gear is that good. Now there are lots of amazing brands out there and for the most part, I use Hollister Ostomy Supplies.  I was turned onto a few major companies when I went researching online and found that they seemed to be a good place to get questioned answers. 

Because of this, I was able to get back into hunting without missing a season or a step due to their help and their willingness to give me information.  Now I have found many companies have awesome customer service and that means a lot to me.  I am indeed a gear guy as many hunters are and because of that, I love good information and customer service to walk me through all possible options to find the best for me. That is key.  We are all individuals and it must fit you personally.

I am not stopping in my task to enjoy the great outdoors.  And this year I am going to be able to jump right into a new and fun part of hunting and that is teaching.  Family tradition is key and I am going to be able to help another family get into this. Luckily, I am going to be taking my brother in law with me to teach him how to easily supply his family with inexpensive and very healthy meat and do it safely.  Now I am not sure he will enjoy the time outside and the art and skill of hunting but I know he will enjoy the cheap benefits of healthy meat and that will drive him to be successful. This makes me very happy because that is in the end the whole goal of hunting. So I suggest you talk to your local suppliers of your stoma gear and get exactly what you need to be successful in your regular day and even getting specialized gear for when you go out for other fun activities as well. 

Taking Care of Your Skin When You Have A Stoma

When you have a stoma put in, it’s important to monitor the skin that sits around it. The last thing you want to deal with is any type of ra...